Jo Murfin Career Coach Brighton smiling on Brighton seafront
Jo Murfin Career Coach Brighton. Love the job you have.  So you can love your life.


Love the job you have.

So you can love your life.

Feel appreciated, confident and fulfilled.

Be inspired and motivated to learn and try new things.

Loving the job you have releases you to focus on the things you love in your life.


Quick Ideas

Here are some quick ideas so you can begin to love the job you have.


  1. Identify how you like to be recognised for your achievements.
  2. Create opportunities to give and receive feedback as a learning experience.
  3. Get into a habit of weekly reflection on your successes and how you contributed to each.


  1. Name your top strengths and abilities as you highlight your weekly successes.
  2. Build strategies to maintain your self-belief and manage self-sabotage, such as perfectionism and feeling like an imposter.
  3. Present yourself in a positive way, so you are seen by others and included in new ideas and opportunities.


  1. Recognise what motivates you to work.
  2. Consider how to balance what you want and what you need in your job and in your life.
  3. Make one small change to your mindset to make a positive difference to how you feel about your job.


  1. Choose three areas you would like to develop under the headings; knowledge, ability and self-belief.
  2. Improve your connections and relationships so you can identify opportunities to explore, learn and try new things.
  3. Establish one long term and one short term career goal and begin action on your development areas.


Career Coaching

Working with a career coach gives you the motivation, structure and inspiration to stretch your thinking and explore new ideas.

How does career coaching help you to love the job you have?

  • Motivation
  • Focused time and energy
  • Confidence in your abilities
  • Performance improvement
  • Productive relationships
  • Achievable career goals


‘Jo was absolutely great to work with and her methods were really beneficial to me.

She was very patient, and persistent to digging deeper to really get to the bottom of a topic which I found particularly helpful.

I would highly recommend working with her!’  Matt, Hove


How does career coaching work?

Starting with our free 30 minute Information Session, you can tell me about your challenges, ask questions and find out how coaching can help you.

Then we agree your overall goal and identify our headline topics to work on, for example ‘to improve your motivation and plan for the future’.

Next I help you to prepare for our first coaching session.  Read more to see how a coaching session works.


What happens during a career coaching session?

Together we work on exercises and I ask supportive insightful questions, which help you to know your worth and spotlight your potential.

We identify your motivations, what you need and what success looks like in your world.

You will be able to highlight your strengths and abilities with confidence.

I support you to define and take action on your career goals.

Our sessions are individual to you.  With my experience and knowledge of a range of coaching techniques and exercises, we have the freedom to explore what gets you the best results.


Your coaching sessions

This is how your career coaching sessions with me look.

Copyright ©Jo Murfin 2020

Find out more about how career coaching can help with your challenges and aspirations – click here for my Career Coaching page


Discover online tools to support your wellbeing – click here for the Every Mind Matters toolkit